Notes from the road by Jonny Cazzola – A motorcycle adventure to ride through 5 Indonesian islands to Komodo, find dragons & ride back.
You can prepare as much as possible, but with an old, tired looking bike that you’d picked up 2 days before and customised that morning, there is always a moment of uncertainty and the fear that anything could go wrong at any point.
We were already breaking nearly every rule given to us – we were riding at night, the bike felt underpowered and we had all of our money for the next 3 weeks stuffed in an envelope in my jacket pocket.
But we knew that if we didn’t press on we wouldn’t make our first ferry crossing from Padang Bai over to Lembar, delaying our trip through the 5 Indonesian islands by a day and jeopardising the success of our seemingly simple mission to:
Ride to Komodo, Find Dragons, & Ride Back.
Full Story coming soon..
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